Our Consultation service will provide information on how to showcase your home for today's market. Here's what we do:
Furniture placement to add flow to space
Home improvements - painting, lighting, etc.
Home enhancement with Stoney Rose Designs' collection of wall hangings and accessories
Written proposal provided within 48 hours
Consultation fees: $175 two-hour session
Potential buyers need to visualize themselves living in THEIR home. Staging captures the heart of the right buyer the minute they walk in the door!
Our service creates inviting room settings with furnishings and decor that complements the home's unique style. We carry a color theme throughout the home that is visually pleasing. And to make certain your home is showroom ready, we stage the outdoor space as well!
Fees: Staging fees depend on vacancy or occupancy of property, size of home or rooms to be staged. Call to schedule an appointment today.
Love your home but not how it looks? Staging is not just for sellers. We can transform your home with the same creative techniques used in staging, utilizing your most valued possessions along with a few new accessories and furnishings. And, if you want a really fresh new look we can re-design your home or individual rooms so you will LOVE IT! Our service include:
Painting/trim recommendations
Bathroom updates that provide a spa feel
Romantic, cozy or luxurious feel
Updated accessories
Fees: $200 for two-hour consultation and $125 per hour thereafter